developing people's abilities to resolve conflicts
 ...without resorting to violence

 Home Peace Talks


Peace Talks Radio, the anchor program of Good Radio Shows, Inc., recently devoted a one-hour program to AVP. The segment features interviews with former inmates James Alexander and Carl Irons, and with Pat Hardy, director of AVP California.

The program will be sent to more than 150 affiliate radio stations throughout the country (the station list is at If the program airs in your area, you might receive inquiries about AVP from people who heard the program. You may respond to those inquiries yourself or refer them to the AVP Public Relations Committee ([email protected]).

You can increase awareness of the radio program by sending the link to AVP supporters and other interested people within your local network. Consider sharing it, too, with the director of your state's department of corrections and with wardens at the prisons where AVP is present.

Our thanks go to James, Carl and Pat for professionally and passionately representing AVP in this way.

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Revised: 02/26/2014            © 2014 AVP/USA, Inc.